Well, I finally figured I'd get one of these.....not that I have a clue what I'm doing lol!
So, the big news in the family is that Mark and Sophie got married on July 29th - it was all absolutely gorgeous, and I got to wear a glam dress and have my hair and make up done - all a big bonus and making for nice photos of me (for a change!). Judge for yourself! Admittedly I'm a bit hidden in that first one. As I'm uploading these photos I have no idea what part of the page they are going to end up on....ah, there they are. OK, I'm now hidden in the last one, and the first one is me with Nadine (Sophie's half sister)!!
I made them a canvas as a wedding present and they loved it (along with many other people who now all want one....can I have some extra hours in my day please?!) but stupidly forgot to take a photo. If I remember my camera next time I go round there I'll photograph it! I have already done one LO about the wedding (actually, two, as I've done one about Sophie's bouquet), not sure if I can change where these photos appear....hmmm!
Oh, I should explain - for all those who haven't seen me in a while, I am now a Scrapper (Scrapbooker) and a LO is my form of art :D
And onto the other exciting news - a school is letting me teach - not only that, they are throwing me in at the deep end with my own classes in September, eek!! I have no idea how to lesson plan (thank goodness for super detailed schemes of work!) or what exactly I have to do on my GTP - I only know I'm supposed to be starting that in January but haven't had any confirmation....or a contract for that matter! I am alternately feeling confident and happy that I finally have an actual career, and feeling absolutely terrified that I'm going to be totally awful! You know, that irrational side that tells me I'm rubbish even when other people clearly think I'm capable!
Oh, and finally, a proud moment - my only singing/drama boy pupil (who was on the Disney Trivial Pursuit TV ad!) is playing John in Peter Pan this Christmas, opposite Michael Greco (HAHAHAHA!) as Captain Hook. Anyway, I'm very pleased for him, he's going to do a fabby job!
Well, that was all bizarrely disjointed and incoherent.....mind you, that's me all over!
welcome to the blog squad jen. those pics are lovely :)
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Looks to me like your doing just fine. What a great first entry and I love your wedding photo's, very glam indeed :D
Welcome to blogland, Jen! :)
fabby blog Jen, lovely pics and the LOs in above posts are great! Really should get into doing my blog again, if i can find the time...
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