And I also haven't posted for about six weeks LOL.
So here is my first ever tag response:
A - Available or taken: Taken by Carlos two and a halfish years ago :wub:
B - Best friend(s): Claire, Euan (if I ever speak to him!!)
C - Cake or pie: Pie - man I lurve the pastry!!
D - Drink of choice: At the moment it's usually a glass of Rose :)
E - Essential item you use every day: an endless supply of pens because kids are incapable of bringing their own to class lol.
F - Favorite colour: Blue...but I also really like purple and pink....and green.
G - Gummy bears or worms: Gummy bears....but not gummi barchen, the freaky german ones with only two colours...they are wierd.
H - Hometown: Currently Gillingham but I was born in Carshalton, Surrey.
I - Indulgence: a whole day scrapping with no thought of work or housework :)
J - January or February: January coz it's my birthday as well as Dolly’s and Tracy's!!!
K - Karma - no idea what the question is disappeared along the line!
L - Life is incomplete without: a cat.
M - Marriage Date: August 2009....will let you know when I've got a specific :D
N - Number of siblings: 2 brothers, one older and one younger.
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples but orange juice.
P - Phobias or Fears: Mirrors in the's all the Candyman's fault.
Q - Fave Quote: “God kills indiscriminately and so shall we, for no creature under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves" from Interview with the Vampire.
R - Reason to smile: Carl and I laugh at least once a day - even if we have argued - and the reason is just because!
S - Season: Summer, but the early part, before it gets too hot and I have to hibernate or live in sunblock.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Claire, J2 and Euan (if you read my blog, that is!)
U - Unknown fact about me: If I haven't spoken to you since the 23rd and/or you haven't been reading UKS - I tried to amputate my left index finger on Saturday but was unsuccessful as my nail got in the way. Refused to waste my time at A&E so am now developing an attractive, Frankenstein's Monster stylee scar....
V - Vegetable you don't like: Artichokes...they are very odd....
W - Worst habit: I sat on my bum for five hours until I was so disgusted with my laziness I made myself work for the next five!
X - x-rays: Only had them on my teeth although I suspect they may have done one after my improvised amputation on Saturday if I'd gone to the hospital...
Y - Your fave food: cheese - with anything but especially brie as a starter or fried mozarella sticks in bread crumbs with marinara sauce....mmmmmmmm
Z - Zodiac sign: Capricorn most of the time...but some astrologers call me Aquarius and on odd occasions they miss me out altogether! Riley: What are you? Buffy: Capricorn, on the cusp of Aquarius. You?
If Buffy were a real person she would be two days older than me :D And we have the same middle name. But slaying vampires is wrong, very wrong.
Ooh, Dracula's on TV this week, yay :D
OMG I'm officially going mad LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ad infinitum......